H.P.B.著作の和訳を試みる & 関連の話題 blog

ヘレナ・ペトロヴナ・ブラヴァツキー (1831年 – 1891年) は、近代神智学を創唱しました。・・・主に彼女の代表作である「シークレット・ドクトリン」の和訳を試みています。

【秘密教義】 第2巻 第2部ー18章 『堕天使』の神話、そのさまざまな面について。 (その1)

  <<1888年に出版された H.P.ブラヴァツキー の著作>>

  ーー邪悪な霊とは: 誰なのか、何者だろうか?ーー



         第2巻―第2部 ―18章  475頁~




                      H.P.ブラヴァツキー 著

                                aquamarith (ハテナ名)    訳                           

Page 475




邪悪な霊とは: 誰なのか、何者だろうか?







 苦しむことなく生きる人々に、難しさがある。変化なく無為に暮らすものすべての未来は停滞や、死んだような状態だろう。前段階で(カルマとの)釣り合いが取れた苦しみがなければ、どのようにしてよりよい変化をもたらすことができるのだろうか? 生き方、苦痛、死の大きな問題を解決するように前もって定められたのは、現象界の錯覚に基づく誘惑と世俗的な希望の欺瞞的価値を学んだ人々のためだけなのだろうか?


 現代の哲学者たちに先駆けて— 中世の学者たちは—- 神学者は古代の一つの基本的な考え方に助けられて、古代の異教徒のパンテオンの登場人物から、神と大天使たち、彼らのサタンと天使たち、そしてロゴス(司神)と、その御使いとを一緒に作った。

Page 476

 彼らは元の特性を狡猾に歪めたり、哲学的な意味を邪道に陥らせた、そして人類の一部の代表者だけが考えることが許されていた長い年月の精神的な眠りの結果であるキリスト教世界の無知を利用して、 - すべての象徴を最も解決できない混乱に追いやった。 この方向での最も罪深い成就の一つは、神聖な自我がつくり変えられ、彼らの神学の醜悪なサタンに変身させられたことであった。


 悪の問題全体について哲学は、自然と人の内なる存在のしくみ、動物の中の神聖な存在のしくみや、これらの書物で与えられているような正確な全体の体系の正しい理解という壁にぶつかる、だが進化の冠の一部に、- 人間 - 私たちは神学的なごまかしに対して十分な予防措置を取ることができない。聖アウグスティヌスと激しいテルトゥリアヌスが悪魔(デビル)を“神の猿”と呼んだ時、これは彼らが生きた時代を知らないことに起因する可能性がある。同じ場で現代作家の言い訳することは難しい。


 マズダ教徒の文献の翻訳は、ローマカトリックの作家たちに、もう一度同じ方向に彼らの主張を証明するための口実を与えた。 彼らは、ゼンド・アヴェスターとヴェンディダード(ウィーデーウ・ダート)、そして彼のアムシャスペンドたちのアフラ・マズダの二重の性質を利用して、彼らの突飛な理論をさらに強調している。サタンは後の時代に来る宗教の予想による剽窃師であり模倣者である。




 いま大陸の熱狂的な“キリスト教徒”(彼らは「セクト主義者」と呼んでいるが)カバリストと比較して、唯物主義者であっても、全く無害であり、神智学の友人とみなされるのだろう。 彼らはゾハールを読んだが、古代の知恵を見つけ出すことなく、テキストと意味深長な、キリスト教のドグマを押し潰すことによって、その詩句の意味がこれまで、どこにもなかったことを発見した; そして、イエズス会の(陰険な)詭弁と学習の総体的な援助でそれら引き出して取り上げた“カバリスト”と推測される者は、書を記してカバラ(*1)の、あまり先見の明のない学生を誤解させ始める。


 脚注 ———————————————






 ☆原書として、Theosophical University Press版 【The Secret Doctrine Vol.2】 を参照しました。

The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religin, and Philosophy (Volumes 1 and 2)

The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religin, and Philosophy (Volumes 1 and 2)







The Evil Spirit: Who, and What?

Our present quarrel is exclusively with theology. The Church enforces belief in a personal god and a personal devil, while Occultism shows the fallacy of such a belief. And though for the Pantheists and Occultists, as much as for the Pessimists, Nature is no better than “a comely mother, but stone cold” — this is true only so far as regards external physical nature. They both agree that, to the superficial observer, she is no better than an immense slaughter-house wherein butchers become victims, and victims executioners in their turn.


It is quite natural that the pessimistically inclined profane, once convinced of Nature’s numerous shortcomings and failures, and especially of her autophagous propensities, should imagine this to be the best evidence that there is no deity in abscondito within Nature, nor anything divine in her.


Nor is it less natural that the materialist and the physicist should imagine that everything is due to blind force and chance, and to the survival of the strongest, even more often than of the fittest. But the Occultists, who regard physical nature as a bundle of most varied illusions on the plane of deceptive perceptions; who recognise in every pain and suffering but the necessary pangs of incessant procreation: a series of stages toward an ever-growing perfectibility, which is visible in the silent influence of never-erring Karma, or abstract nature — the Occultists, we say, view the great Mother otherwise.


Woe to those who live without suffering. Stagnation and death is the future of all that vegetates without a change. And how can there be any change for the better without proportionate suffering during the preceding stage? Is it not those only who have learnt the deceptive value of earthly hopes and the illusive allurements of external nature who are destined to solve the great problems of life, pain, and death?

If our modern philosophers — preceded by the medieval scholars — have helped themselves to more than one fundamental idea of antiquity, theologians have built their God and his Archangels, their Satan and his Angels, along with the Logos and his staff, entirely out of the dramatis personae of the old heathen Pantheons.They would have been

Vol. 2, Page 476  

welcome to these, had they not cunningly distorted the original characters, perverted the philosophical meaning, and taking advantage of the ignorance of Christendom — the result of long ages of mental sleep, during which humanity was permitted to think only by proxy — tossed every symbol into the most inextricable confusion. One of their most sinful achievements in this direction, was the transformation of the divine alter ego into the grotesque Satan of their theology.


As the whole philosophy of the problem of evil hangs upon the correct comprehension of the constitution of the inner being of nature and man, of the divine within the animal, and hence also the correctness of the whole system as given in these pages, with regard to the crown piece of evolution — Man — we cannot take sufficient precautions against theological subterfuges. When the good St. Augustine and the fiery Tertullian called the Devil “the monkey of God,” this could be attributed to the ignorance of the age they lived in. It is more difficult to excuse our modern writers on the same ground.


The translation of Mazdean literature has afforded to the Roman Catholic writers the pretext for proving their point in the same direction once more. They have taken advantage of the dual nature of Ahura Mazda in the Zend Avesta and the Vendidad, and of his Amshaspends, to emphasize still further their wild theories.

They have taken advantage of the dual nature of Ahura Mazda in the Zend Avesta and the Vendidad, and of his Amshaspends, to emphasize still further their wild theories. Satan is the plagiarist and the copyist by anticipation of the religion which came ages later. This was one of the master strokes of the Latin Church, its best trump-card after the appearance of Spiritualism in Europe. Though only a succes d’estime, in general, even among those who are not interested in either Theosophy or Spiritualism, yet the weapon is often used by the Christian (Roman Catholic) Kabalists against the Eastern Occultists.


Now even the Materialists are quite harmless, and may be regarded as the friends of Theosophy, when compared to some fanatical “Christian” (as they call themselves, “Sectarian” as we call them) Kabalists, on the Continent. These read the Zohar, not to find in it ancient Wisdom, but to discover in its verses, by mangling the texts and meaning, Christian dogmas, where none could ever have been meant; and, having fished them out with the collective help of jesuitical casuistry and learning, the supposed “Kabalists” proceed to write books and to mislead less far-sighted students of the Kabala.(*1)


Footnote(s) ———————————————

(*1)Such a pseudo-Kabalist was the Marquis de Mirville in France, who, having studied the Zohar and other old remnants of Jewish Wisdom under the “Chevalier” Drach, an ancient Rabbi Kabalist converted to the Romish Church — wrote with his help half a dozen volumes full of slander and calumnies against every prominent Spiritualist and Kabalist. From 1848 up to 1860 he persecuted unrelentingly the old Count d’Ourches, one of the earliest Eastern Occultists in France, a man the scope of whose occult knowledge will never be appreciated correctly by his survivors, because he screened his real beliefs and knowledge under the mask of Spiritism.
